If you intend to incorporate or form some other type of business in Minnesota and want to check the availability of a corporate name, you can do this by calling the Minnesota Secretary of State at 651-296-2803.
When you call, have two or three alternate names ready. The clerk can normally tell you immediately on the phone if the name shows up on their computer system. The clerk will also inform you that the name is not considered "reserved" until you actually file papers with the Secretary of State.
You can also check the list of registered business names by clicking here.
Information provided courtesy of
Douglas P. Radunz, Attorney at Law
2410 Centre Village . 431 South Seventh Street . Minneapolis, Minnesota 55415
612.337.5353 . fax 612.337.5472 . www.radunzlaw.com. radunzlaw@gmail.com
The material on this website is provided for general information purposes and not as specific legal advice. Legal advice is given only after the formation of an attorney-client relationship. The reader should always consult with an attorney in his or her home state or jurisdiction for specific legal advice. Douglas P. Radunz practices only in the State of Minnesota, and he is not licensed to practice law in other jurisdictions. Communication to Mr. Radunz via email does not create an attorney-client relationship.
Copyright Douglas P. Radunz. All Rights Reserved.